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Made In Poland :-)

Geplaatst: 01-04-2011 16:51
door podmiejski

Big greetings from Poland

My name is Mariusz vel "podmiejski"
I'm 56 years old and I'm living in little village near Gda?sk.
Since 3 years I'm a fan "The Great Dutch Bikes" - especialy with engine.
In winter time I was spend my free time in my garrage and this is what I do:




Afbeelding ... Afbeelding

Frame is any prototype from german (?) producer - Biria. Made from good quality of steel - massiv and light. And with absolutly unique rear suspension!




Original tank - but.... ;-)


Afbeelding ...Afbeelding


The farme is paint by plastic powder(?). All (almost ;-) parts was make from inox steel.
Hand made: wires (2.2m!) lights and many, many details.
The finishing painting too :-)




BiG THANKS for Marek -123499- who made for my unique Tool Bag for front!




The Bike working and driving asolutely perfect; softly and quiet - all parts are very goog quality!

Geplaatst: 01-04-2011 17:09
door saxoNetje
Hello Mariusz!

You build a really beautiful bike! The workmanship looks like you know what you are doing :)

Is it (still) legal to build your own motorised bike in Poland?
Overhere we have a problem to do that... :cry:

Enjoy your Spartamet-Special!

Geplaatst: 01-04-2011 18:10
door bazzz
Welcome! And respect! Really nice job!!!!!!!!!!!!

Geplaatst: 01-04-2011 18:46
door Snorfietsmafia
Nice bike polish guy ;)

Geplaatst: 01-04-2011 19:04
door freerider
Perfect Mariusz, looks great!!! Compliments!!!!
How about spareparts in Poland?

Geplaatst: 01-04-2011 20:19
door Gast
Welcome, podmiejski!
If this was in Holland, he would be stolen before you close your front-door behind you!

podmiejski's Spartamet

Geplaatst: 02-04-2011 11:58
door leoklepper
You can be proud of yourself podmiejski! You have made a steampunk kind of bike, envy your craftsmanship.

Geplaatst: 02-04-2011 22:28
door Jopas
Write the first post on your forum even though I read them for a long time!
But I have to congratulate his compatriot, the more it looked like this bike is created - something beautiful!
In Poland we do not have tables Metje rejestracyjnech ride on them like the normal bikes - without insurance.
With parts in Poland, there is often no different or expensive!

Groeten van de Polen in Nederland!

Geplaatst: 02-04-2011 23:43
door podmiejski
Many thanks for all - I"m really proud becouse I'm not profesisonal builder.

Geplaatst: 03-04-2011 08:11
door Prutser-2009
All I can say is WOW, by far one of the nicest spartamets ever.
